Aeon Flux - DVD podBLAST
Start with a base of Ultraviolet, add a good dose of Catwoman, then inject with Hollywood Dumbass Juice until all traces of The Matrix seep out. You will be left with a sludge called "Aeon Flux".
Now just start calling Oscar winners until someone bites (hint: call Charlize Theron first), and you've got yourself a movie! Congratulations! Have fun making it, what with its futuristic sets and sexy costumes, because It. Will. Bomb.
Then one day in the not-too-distant future, the DVD will be released and some smart-ass Hollywood jerks are gonna BLAST it. IT HAS BEEN FORETOLD.
If you ask me both PIRATES movies are blastable.
PS. I listen to all your commentaries all the way through.
#1 fan!
Lisa - yeah, she's OK, if you go for that sort of "gorgeous" thing.
dc - 1 is dee-lightful!!! 2 gets worse every time I think about it.
dc PS - hells yeah! We appreciate it. (BTW - you MAY have too much time on your hands)
LogIc ERroR -..|..-LogIc ERroR
UNiVerSAl LaW_19:-.. iNdivIDualS WHo disDAIN PiraTEs 2 MuST ReTAIn NuTS tO PopULAte MORe P2 HAterS ..-
NUtS reMAin InTAct ..-
My stance stands.
Pirates 2 was typical sequal crap, with the requisite shoe-horning in of characters and bits from the last movie. The action scenes seemed inspired by American Gladiators, and some the special effects were surpisingly quite crumby.
Just found your site, watched Ultraviolet and Aeon Flux. Sadly movies sucked but good commentary. Keep up the good work. I listened to both all the way through btw. And do you live near a airport cause I heard like 5 planes.
Why, yes we do live close to an airport. Our non-soundproof studio is located close to the Bob Hope Airport in beautiful Burbank, CA. We find that the sound of the airplanes gives our listeners a sense of comfort because the world is still moving.
Thank you for listening Anonymous. Hopefully we can keep you entertained throughout all these hopelessly un-saveable piles of dung.
With everyone tapping Pirates 2, I'm going to go see it next week. Its playing at a 3 dollar theater so I won't be to mad if it stinks like yesterday's diapers.
Charlize is incredibly hot but WOW...this movie is worse than a stick in the eye. I wish there was something worth while to save it...but no.
Aeon Flux sucked.
Da Mangler
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